Monday, 11 May 2015

Chronicles From Band Land

I have now read Catherine's entire blog from beginning to end at Chronicles From Band land and was totally gripped by her story. I think I've gained a lot of information from her experience, her determination and her fairytale ending, she looks so happy. It's well worth reading her story, especially if you enjoy your food and socialise a lot, because I can totally relate to that.

Another blog which I found very useful was Bandster and I have read this blog from beginning to end too. This was a good blog to read because whereas Catherine from Chronicles From Band land seemed to find her sweet spot really easily (which appears to be the amount of fill you have that works, but doesn't affect your life in a bad way) in comparison, poor Bandster seems to have had a lot of trouble with fills and defills. I am wondering how it will go for B and I. Only time will tell.

I have a question which I am hoping someone out there will be able to answer. Why do people's blogs become less frequent? Is it because you get so used to the band over time? Is it because you feel in control and don't read other people's blogs so much because you don't need the ongoing support? Is it because other aspects of your life take over ? Is it because you feel like your story has reached it's conclusion ? I would love some feedback


  1. Thanks so much for your nice note on my blog and yours! I'm so glad you found my blog useful! For me, I stopped posting as much because I got very used to band life, and I didn't have that much to say. I do still post once in a while (like today... when my scale was up...) when I have something band-related to say or when I need my blog to help me get refocused. I hope that helps!

    Excited to hear more about your journey! Take your measurements and before pics if you haven't yet -- you will want them later.

    1. Thanks Catherine, nervous but excited. I will be looking forward to your updates and thanks for the advice x

  2. Welcome. I know for me, life get's in the way and I started posting less often. I think, also...bands are getting done less frequently around here as sleeves pick up in popularity. I know my surgeon's office is doing fewer bands now. I've noticed a general decline in the number of new band blogs and posts online in general. The one thing I can tell you is that my blog has been instrumental for me as a source of information for myself about myself as I look back over time to remember different parts of this process. Post often. Post details. You might need to look back one day. It might answer some questions for you that you would otherwise forget along the way. I have re-read mine several times...I'm so so so glad I have it! Catherine says, I definitely use it when I need to get refocused.

    Best wishes! I look forward to seeing more from you!

    1. Hi thanks so much for replying. Is the sleeve big in the USA then, I am in the UK and we are usually a few years behind you guys. There doesn't seem to be much talk about it here x

  3. I know for me I blog less because I feel like I have said everything in relation to the band over the last 7 years...and I fear boring people if they have heard it all before. I think others who have been successful with the band blog less over the years because it just becomes part of it's not all new and exciting. And then I think there are those people who, for whatever reason, the band didnt work for them and they don't want to put it all out there bc they feel like they failed. I can't tell you how many blogs I used to follow. It used to take me hours everyday just to read through them and comment. Now it can be days before someone posts something new.

    1. Looking forward to reading the paths people have taken. Thanks for the info and hopefully the more info I take on board, the more likely I am to succeed x
